- (人)を~における義務{ぎむ}から免除{めんじょ}する
absolve someone of the obligations in 意味
- "absolve someone from his responsibility" 意味
- "absolve someone of" 意味
- "absolve someone of his excommunication" 意味
- "absolve someone of his sins" 意味
- "absolve someone of responsibility for" 意味
- "absolve the state of liability for damages" 意味
- "absolved from the contract" 意味
- "absolvent" 意味
- "absolver" 意味
- "absolve someone of his sins" 意味
- "absolve someone of responsibility for" 意味
- "absolve the state of liability for damages" 意味
- "absolved from the contract" 意味